Preach 1


2098 EUANGELION (76): eu good + angelia = message, announcement, news; thus, good message, good news or gospel. Euangelion in the FCM (NT) comprises words announced to humans during the First Century. In Matthew and Mark euangelion is usually preceded by the word "proclaim" (2784 kerusso), such as in Mt.9.35: "And Jesus went about all the cities and all the villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming (kerusso) the good news (euangelion) of the kingship..." The other FCM writers almost always describe uses or benefits of the good news, or one's relationship thereto. For example, Eph.1.13: " whom (the Anointed One) you+ were also hearing the message of truth, the good news (euangelion) of your rescue..." See "announce good news" (2097 euangelizo) below for further discussion.

There are at least four different "good news" (euangelion) announcements in God's FCM:

1) The first "good news" was about the coming of John the immerser in Lk.1.19: "...the messenger (angel) said to him (Zacharias), I am Gabriel the [one] standing before God. And I was sent to speak to you of these things and announce good news (euangelizo) to you."

2) Next, a messenger announced the birth of Jesus in Lk.2.10-11: "I announce good news (euangelizo) of great joy, which will be to all the people. For a Rescuer was born to you today in [the] city of David."

3) Then John the immerser and later Jesus spoke of the imminent kingship of God, Mt.3.1-2: "Now in those days John the immerser arrived proclaiming in the wilderness of Judea saying, 'Change yourselves for the kingship of the heavens has drawn near.'" And Mk.1.14-15: "...after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee proclaiming the good news (euangelion) of God, and saying, 'The time has been fulfilled, and the kingship of God has drawn near. Change yourselves and trust in the good news (euangelion).'"

Jesus told Pilate, "My kingship is not of this human world..." (Jn.18.36). Jesus stated this another way in Lk.17.21: "Nor will they say, 'Look, here, or there;' for look, the kingship of God is within you+. The time that Jesus said had "drawn near" did not arrive until after he died on the cross. See "kingship" (0932 basileia ) for detailed discussion.

4) Before Jesus ascended to heaven, "he said to them" in Mk.16.15: "Go into all human society and proclaim (kerusso ) the good news (euangelion) to all the creation."

This latter good news is summarized in 1Co.15.1-6: "Now I make known to you, brothers, the good news (euangelion), which good news I announced (euangelizo) to you+...that the Anointed One died on behalf of our sins according to the writings, and that he was buried, and that he has been raised on the third day according to the writings, and that he was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve. Afterward he was seen by over five hundred brothers at one time, the majority of whom remain until now, but some fell asleep..."

Someone will say, "What about Mk.1.1?: "The beginning of the good news of Jesus the Anointed One, the Son of God." Doesn't this describe the good news as being the entire life of Jesus while he was here on earth, including his death burial and resurrection?" Yes, this could be understood to include everything recorded in the FCM about what Jesus said and did that led up to his death on the cross. And it is information every believer should know. But it is preliminary to the "good news" that Paul described in 1Co.15.

The "good news" concerning Jesus was brief. It was heard, understood, memorized and announced verbally to others; verbally, because several years passed before it appeared in written form.

The good news additionally is truth (Gal.2.5,14) and the message of truth (Eph.1.13, Col.1.5). It is the basis of God's power to save (Rom.1.16).


GOOD NEWS Mt.4.23; 9.35; 24.14; 26.13. Mk.1.1,14,15; 8.35; 10.29; 13.10; 14.9; 16.15. Act.15.7; 20.24. Rom.1.1,9,16; 2.16; 10.16; 11.28; 15.16,19; 16.25. 1Co.4.15; 9.12,14,14,18,18,23; 15.1. 2Co.2.12; 4.3,4; 8.18; 9.13; 10.14; 11.4,7. Gal.1.6,7,11; 2.2,5,7,14. Eph.1.13; 3.6; 6.15,19. Php.1.5,7,12,16,27,27; 2.22; 4.3,15. Col.1.5,23. 1Th.1.5; 2.2,4,8,9; 3.2. 2Th.1.8; 2.14. 1Ti.1.11. 2Ti.1.8,10; 2.8. Phm.13. 1Pe.4.17. Rev.14.6.

2099 EUANGELISTES (3): eu = good + angelos = messenger; good messenger, good newser. One who heralds, declares, proclaims or announces good news. Instead of being translated, this word is almost always transliterated "evangelist," which fails to reveal that in God's First Century Revelation (FCM) the function of an "evangelist" was, "to announce good news" (2097 euangelizo).


GOOD-NEWSER Act.21.8. Eph.4.11. 2Ti.4.5.

2097 EUANGELIZO, EUANGELIZOMAI (54): eu = good + angelizo = to announce; to announce a specific "good message" or "good news." Euangelizo is the word that is sometimes transliterated "evangelize."

The "good news" was usually new information to those who heard it, as in Lk.1.19, 2.10, 4.18, 8.1, Act.8.4,12,35, 11.20, 13.32, 14.l7, Rom.10.15, 2Co.10.16. For example Lk.8.1: "...he (Jesus) journeyed through every city and village, proclaiming and announcing the good news of God's kingship." After Jesus ascended to heaven, the good news was announced everywhere, as in Act.8.4: "So then, those being scattered went around announcing the message of good news." Similarly, in verse 35, Philip "opening his mouth and beginning from this writing, announced to him the good news of Jesus. The good news was also associated with "teaching" (1321 didasko ) in Act.5.42: "...and every day in the temple and from house to house they did not cease teaching and announcing the good news of Jesus the Anointed One."

In Lk.4.18 Jesus quotes Isa.61.1, the Greek word euangelizo being used to translate the Hebrew word basar: "The Spirit of the Master (Yahweh) is upon me; because he has anointed me to announce good news (euangelizo) to the poor..." In the Septuagint translation, the Hebrew word "basar" is always translated into Greek as euangelizo.

Euangelizo is used redundantly in a few passages, in which it is difficult to translate literally; for example, Gal.1.11-12: "For I make known to you+ brothers the good news, the good news I announced to you+, that it is not according to a human (for I did not receive it from a human nor was I taught it), but through a revelation of Jesus the Anointed One."

In the fifty-four passages in which euagelizo occurs, the word "preach" is used forty-eight times in most popular translations, either to translate euagelizo or to describe the means by which good news is presented to its hearers. But the word "preach" means something different than "announce."

In twenty of these forty-eight passages, euangelizo is translated ONLY by the word "preach," thus totally ignoring its meaning of "announce good news." The other twenty-eight times "preach" occurs, it is as part of the expression, "preach the gospel." This is better, but fails to show that the meaning of euangelizo includes "announcing." Accordingly, the word "preach" should not be used to translate euangelizo.

See these word-studies for additional words which are often translated "preach:" "previously announced good news" (4283 proeuangelizomai), widely announce" (1229 diangello), "openly announce" (2605 katangello), "proclaim" (2784 kerusso), "previously proclaimed" (4296 prokerusso), "discuss, dialogue" (1256 dialegomai), and "teach" (1321 didasko). See also the word-study "Preach " for discussion of its usage and meaning.


ANNOUNCE GOOD NEWS Mt.11.5. Lk.1.19; 2.10; 3.18; 4.18,43; 7.22; 8.1; 9.6; 16.16; 20.1. Act.5.42; 8.4,12,25,35,40; 10.36; 11.20; 13.32; 14.7,15,21; 15.35; 16.10; 17.18. Rom.1.15; 10.15; 15.20. 1Co.1.17; 9.16,16,18; 15.1,2. 2Co.10.16; 11.7. Gal.1.8,8,9,11,16,23; 4.13. Eph.2.17; 3.8. 1Th.3.6. Heb.4.2,6. 1Pe.1.12,25; 4.6. Rev.10.7; 14.6.


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