
1258 DIALEKTOS (6): a more restrictive or local language, a dialect. This can be seen in the second chapter of Acts, where in v.4 the delegates were all filled with the Pure Spirit and began to speak in other languages (glossa)..." Then, in v.6-8, "...the multitude came together and were confused, because they each one heard them speaking in his own dialect (dialektos). And they were astonished and amazed, saying, "Look, are not all these ones speaking Galileans? And how do we each hear in our own dialect (dialektos) in which we were born?" In Mt.26.69-73, Peter was recognized as being from Galilee, because of his "speech" (2981 lalia); that is, because of his Galilean dialect. Similarly, English is the accepted "language" in the United States, but it includes a "Southern" dialect, a "Midwestern" dialect, a "New England" dialect, and others.

The KJV always translates both glossa and dialektos as "tongue," not taking into account that 1100 glossa is a language and dialektos is a variation of a language, a dialect.

DIALECT Act.1.19; 2.6,8; 21.40; 22.2; 26.14.

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